What's the Pasta Podcast
What's the Pasta Podcast
My Relationship with My Body and Food, Then and Now
Johnny opens up and vulnerably shares his story about his relationship with his body and food, as it has been and as it is now. Johnny details his past struggles with body dysmorphia, disordered eating, toxic fitness, and deep insecurities and reveals how he overcame those struggles and found his way to self-acceptance, celebration, and love. Johnny hopes this vulnerable share touches others with similar struggles and assures them they are not alone and inspires them to take outer and inner action towards positive change!
This podcast episode is the sister project to a personal essay also titled “My Relationship with My Body and Food, Then and Now”. The essay can be read on Johnny’s website via the following link: https://johnnylapasta.com/2022/05/11/my-relationship-with-my-body-and-food-then-now/
Photography for this story captured by Steven James Photography.
Website: www.stevenjamesstudios.com
IG: @stevenjamesphotos
Email: Steven@stevenjamesstudios.com
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